学术报告——FinTech Econometrics: Privacy Preservation and the Wisdom of the Crowd

Abstract:  After a brief overview of FinTech, this talk focuses on two timely topics in econometrics related to privacy and transparency issues: (1) Econometrics for sensitive financial data with privacy preservation in the era of big data. (2) The wisdom of the crowd and prediction markets, in the presence of new information from anonymous individual level trading data. 

Bio: Steven Kou is a Questrom Professor in Management and Professor of Finance at Boston University. He teaches courses on FinTech and quantitative finance. Currently he is a co-area-editor for Operations Research and a co-editor for Digital Finance, and has served on editorial boards of many journals, such as Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, and Mathematical Finance. He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and won the Erlang Prize from INFORMS in 2002. Some of his research results have been incorporated into standard MBA textbooks.  


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